poliana bentes

Business Consultancy and Strategy

Hello! I am Poliana Bentes, a business consultant specialized in business strategies in the Amazon region. My goal is to boost the success of ventures in this unique region full of opportunities.


With a personalized approach, I work closely with you to understand your needs, identify opportunities, and develop effective strategies. My commitment is to offer solutions adapted to the peculiarities of the Amazon, aiming for sustainable growth and tangible results for your business.


As an experienced consultant, I offer a range of services, including scenario analysis, strategy development, institutional and governmental relations, process monitoring, and strategic consulting. Through strategic partnerships, I establish valuable connections for the success of your venture in the region.

What guides us


To support and guide companies in the Amazon to achieve success and sustainability through efficient business strategies, solid institutional relations, and an approach aligned with socio-environmental development.


To be recognized as the benchmark consultancy in the Amazon, driving the success and sustainable growth of companies through innovative solutions, strategic partnerships, and expertise in institutional relations, contributing to the economic, environmental, and social development of the region.


Our values are the foundation of our success: Excellence in everything we do, Partnership with clients and colaborators, Integrity in all relationships Inovation to stay at the forefront, and Socio-environmental Responsibility for a better future in the Amazonian economy.


Instagram is the space where I post various important content about management and business strategy.